
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Wed May 30th, 2018 @ 5:47am

Commander Venik

Name Venik

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan
Age 47
Homeworld Vulcan

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 4"
Weight 210 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Venik stands at 6’ 3", has broad shoulders and a thick chest from working out. He has a round face, piercing dark brown eyes, and brown hair. He generally has a short beard, but sometimes goes clean shaven on his square jaw. He has typical Vulcan features; pointed ears, upswept eyebrows, and a greenish hue to his skin.


Spouse T'Pir
Children Sarot, Turik, P’Tal, Silak
Father Sirak
Mother P’Han
Brother(s) Senak
Sister(s) Pera, T’Leia, T’Pem

Personality & Traits

General Overview Venik, like all Vulcans, purged his emotions at a very young age. He is very to the book, when it comes to Rules and Regulations. He seldomly breaks the rules, but there have been times... He has the Vulcan equivalent to an MD from the Vulcan Science Academy as well as a Degree in Tactical Operations from Starfleet Academy.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Keeps busy with tasks
+Strong headed
+Physically strong
+Thinks logically
+Mentally Strong
+Medical and Tactical Skills
+No emotions to hinder his decisions

-Thinks logically
-Doesn’t have very good people skills
-No emotions to hinder his decisions

Personal History ::Childhood::
Venik was born on Vulcan and is the first born of Sirak and P’Han He grew up with his younger brother Senak and younger sisters Pera, T’Leia, T’Pem. Like all Vulcans, Venik was taught to not be hindered by his emotions. At a young age he learned to have them under control. Venik attended Vulcan schools were he learned much of the sciences, and many other fields. He was most fascinated with flight control and planned on studying it further.

At the age of 7 he was betrothed to T’Pir.

::Teenage years::
Venik continued his studying of Helm and Navigational Sciences. He watched seminars and discussed it in depth with many of his instructors and professors from the Vulcan Science Academy. He was a promising student and was almost guaranteed a spot in the Academy. But he saw more advantages of joining Starfleet. With Starfleet being more adept in venturing into unknown space, he would have great use of his skills. When he was of eligible Earth age, he applied and was accepted.

Venik studied hard at the Academy. He studied in the Operations Division and majored in Helm and Navigation Operations. His freshman and sophomore years he studied at the Academy and in his junior and senior years he qualified for for field training for the last two years. He was posted to the USS Midway as a helmsman. He graduated with honors in 2241.

Immediately after graduation he was assigned to the USS James as a Helmsman. The small Paladin class vessel served as an opportunity for him to serve as his first assignment. He mostly worked with star charts and reprogramming the computer with data. He was able to get some bridge time, but didn’t have regular shifts until he was a Lieutenant JG two years later.

(More coming soon)
Service Record 2236 - 2240: Starfleet Academy - Cadet
2238 - 2240: USS Midway ~ Cadet
2240 - 2242: USS James ~ Ensign ~ Helmsman
2242 - 2245: USS James ~ Lieutenant JG ~ Helmsman
2245 - 2254: USS Pend Orielle ~ Lieutenant ~ Chief Helmsman
2254 - 2260: USS Pend Orielle ~ Lieutenant Commander ~ First Officer/Chief Helmsman
2260 - 2265: USS Pend Orielle ~ Commander ~ First Officer/Chief Helmsman
2265 - ????: USS Wasp - Commander - Commanding Officer

USS Wasp Logistics

Quarters Location Deck 4
Office Location Deck 3